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Monthly Archives: April 2021

Get better seed germination in clay soil

Better seed germination in clay soil

If you have ever grown a garden in clay soil, you know it can be challenging. I have a few tips for you that will help give you better seed germination in your clay soil.  Fortunately the steps to improve your germination rate in that clay soil are easy and have little to no cost.  Following these steps will greatly increase your rate of germination.

Better seed germination in clay soil
Here are some basic things that will help increase seed germination in clay soil.

Monitor soil temperatures

To improve your seeds germination rate in your gardens clay soil it is vital that you know your soil temperature.  If you soil temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit you will see little to no germination from your seeds. The optimum temperature range to increase the chance of germination is 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  Planting your seeds at the ideal soil temperature will greatly increase your seed germination rate.

Ignore planting depth instructions on the package

The planting depth directions on the back of your packet of seeds is not ideal for those of us who have clay soil.  Plant your seeds to a depth 2.5 times the thickness of your seed.  The seed has enough nutrients in it to get that new seedling above the soil.  If the seed is too deep it will run out of energy before breaking through the soil.  Having to push through heavy clay soil can also stop that seed from ever sprouting.  We will discuss that next.

Cover your seeds with sand

If you want to increase the chance of a seed to germinate in clay soil, cover it with sand.  It is far easier for that seedling to push up through sand than your clay soil.  Ideally you will want to use a concrete sand which has been washed.  Washed concrete sand will have far less weed seed as compared to river sand.

Cover with burlap or shelf liner

Once your seeds are planted and cover with sand, cover your sand with burlap or shelf liner.  This will so 2 important things.  First, the covering is going to protect the seed from birds and ensure it stays covered with sand.  Secondly, it acts as a diffuser to help keep the seed from becoming dislodged from rain or while watering.

Water those seeds

After you seeds are covered with sand and burlap/shelf liner be sure to gently water to make sure the seed is moist.  You have to keep that seed moist if you want it to germinate.  Monitor your soil daily to ensure it remains moist.  Water as necessary.

An easy way to plant tiny seeds in clay soil

If you are putting tiny seeds such as carrot in your clay soil there is an easy way to do it.  We cover planting tiny seeds in another blog post.  Be sure to check it out.

Here is the video

For those of you who learn by seeing, here is the video.  Watch it and you can see how you can get better seed germination in your clay soil. While you’re there be sure to like and subscribe.  You can find us on social media from this page. Thanks!


Mittleider gardening season 2021

Mittleider gardening season 2021

We are a little late getting the Mittleider garden started for the 2021 gardening season, but it is now half done.  We have published a video, linked below, detailing what we have growing in the greenhouse. The greenhouse will have a full bed of potatoes, 3/4s of a bed of onions. The remaining available space will be filled with tomatoes, pole beans, cucumbers, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, parsnip, brussel sprouts and cabbage.  If you’re interested, we will be doing garden tours every few weeks.


Mittleider garden in the soil

In addition to the 4 grow boxes inside the greenhouse, we will also be gardening in four Mittleider soil beds.  Our average last day of frost is April 15, we will not be planting anything in the soil until after that date.  In the Mittleider soil beds we will be growing different varieties of tomatoes and pole beans. Other crops include okra, more peppers, malabar spinach, and lots more onions. Watch the blog and our social media for content on our soil bed gardens to come in the future.

Mittleider garden tour video

Here is a video tour of the crops we have planted in our greenhouse and a discussion on our goals for the Mittleider gardening season for 2021.  Our soil bed garden will be planted after our average last day of frost is in the middle of April.  You can expect to see videos and more content on our soil bed garden in the future.


Want to find us on social media?  You can get details on the About Us page.