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Category: Garden Tour

Kicking off our 2022 garden

Our 2022 garden has begun

Our average last frost for the year has come and gone, it’s time to kick off our 2022 garden. We’ve made a short video for the occasion and quickly show the new garden site for this year. We also cover what we are going to be growing and show what’s already done.

Cauliflower and broccoli growing in our 2022 Mittleider garden

This will be a demonstration garden

We are growing this garden on the property where classes are taught on how to grow a Mittleider garden. Those who attend classes this summer will have the opportunity and see and learn in this garden. Folks will have the opportunity to feed, water, care for the various plants, prune, harvest and enjoy meals provided with the food grown in this garden

Opportunities for locals from surrounding communities

Locals in the area will also be able to tour and see what a Mittleider garden looks like, ask questions and even chip in and learn along the way. Those who want to learn and benefit from “hands on” will have the chance to work in the garden with Heath

Video tour and specific plans for the garden

Mittleider gardening season 2021

Mittleider gardening season 2021

We are a little late getting the Mittleider garden started for the 2021 gardening season, but it is now half done.  We have published a video, linked below, detailing what we have growing in the greenhouse. The greenhouse will have a full bed of potatoes, 3/4s of a bed of onions. The remaining available space will be filled with tomatoes, pole beans, cucumbers, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, parsnip, brussel sprouts and cabbage.  If you’re interested, we will be doing garden tours every few weeks.


Mittleider garden in the soil

In addition to the 4 grow boxes inside the greenhouse, we will also be gardening in four Mittleider soil beds.  Our average last day of frost is April 15, we will not be planting anything in the soil until after that date.  In the Mittleider soil beds we will be growing different varieties of tomatoes and pole beans. Other crops include okra, more peppers, malabar spinach, and lots more onions. Watch the blog and our social media for content on our soil bed gardens to come in the future.

Mittleider garden tour video

Here is a video tour of the crops we have planted in our greenhouse and a discussion on our goals for the Mittleider gardening season for 2021.  Our soil bed garden will be planted after our average last day of frost is in the middle of April.  You can expect to see videos and more content on our soil bed garden in the future.


Want to find us on social media?  You can get details on the About Us page.