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Transplanting onions in a Mittleider garden

Today we are transplanting onions into our garden. We will detail the number or rows and the spacing requirements for onions in a Mittleider garden. There will be a couple picture showing the process and the onion seedlings.

Spacing and row requirements

These are onions we started from seeds and are ready to be transplanted. Onions in a Mittleider garden are grown in 4 rows with 4 inches of spacing. In a 30 foot bed you can expect to yield 362 onions. In the picture below you can see transplanted onion seedlings in the correct number of rows and spacing.

Onion seedlings
Onions are planted in 4 rows with 4 inch spacing

We have always had great success with starting our onions from seeds. We have had a higher success rate come harvest time with our own onions starts as compared to buying store bought bulbs. The seedlings are easy to transplant into the garden and you can get a lot of them into a small amount of space.

Do onions tolerate the cold and how long to grow?

Onions are a hardy crop and tolerate cold weather well. With the average 85 days to maturity for most onions we like to grow two crops. The first crop is grown in the spring, the second in the fall. In our soil beds I add onions in the spring to the garlic I started in the previous fall.

We use a lot of onions in our home. When I harvest the onions from the soil bed shared with the garlic are replaced with the fall batch of onions. The fall batch are grown from seeds and transplanted into the garden. Transplanting a seedling instead of putting the seed directly in the garden will result in a larger yield.

Here is a picture of our onion seedlings before transplanting.

                               onion seedlings